Today’s Chemical industry has had a long standing presence worldwide, providing inputs into manufacturing activities that benefit living standards across the globe, while also contributing to addressing a variety of global sustainability challenges. Over 95% of all good rely on some form of industrial chemical process. Chemical industry contributes approx 7.1% of global GDP with approx.$6.1 Trillion annual contribution till 2019.More than 130 million jobs supported globally with a great thrust on R&D for creating planet better. Most industry sectors make use of chemical products, from energy generation and transportation, to ICT and construction. From developing ammonia-based fertilizers to providing clean drinking water, some innovations have turned the tide of human history.

Chemical industry is categorized such as organic, in-organic, agrochemicals, fine chemicals, oleo chemicals, flavours, fragrances, rubber, polymers and many more.
Central to the modern world economy, it converts raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals) into more than 70,000 different products.

From the perspective of chemical engineers, the chemical industry involves the use of chemical processes such as chemical reactions and refining methods to produce a wide variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials. Most of these products serve to manufacture other items, although a smaller number go directly to consumers. Solvents, pesticides, lye, washing soda, and Portland cement provide a few examples of product used by consumers.

Chemical processing plants are demanding environments requiring air, gas and liquid flow measurement in different stages of chemical reactions and other utility such as gas plants, captive thermal power and compressed air room.

Leomi’s thermal mass flow meters with various options of sensor construction such as SS-316Ti, HALAR® & PFA Coated are best suitable for corrosive gas applications of process gas in chemical industries.

LEOMI offer features to match your exact requirements

LEOMI Insertion thermal mass flow meters features

Chemical processing plants are demanding environments requiring air and gas measurement. LEOMI air flow meters can precisely measure air and gas requirements of these industries.

Our insertion thermal mass flow meters are used in Chemical plants for measuring the raw materials as well as the finished products. It is also used in the refinery process of crude oil into a variety of petroleum products.

For your specific application of chemical and petrochemical industry, explore our Gas wise application section.