Fertilizer is a key ingredient in feeding a growing global population, which is expected to surpass 9.5 billion people by 2050. Half of all food grown around the world today, for both people and animals, is made possible through the use of fertilizer. As demand continues to grow, farmers around the world will continue to rely on fertilizer to increase production efficiency to produce more food while optimizing inputs. Fertilizers play an essential role in replenishing nutrients in the soil that are used by plants each growing season. Today world consumes around 225 Million tonnes of fertilizers (50% Nitrogen,30%Phosphorus,20%Potassium repectively ).
Three primary nutrients are necessary for plant growth: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). All must be present in soil in the right amount to grow healthy crops.
There are organic and inorganic sources for plant nutrients. Ammonia, Urea, Ammonium Nitrate etc. are rich source of Nitrogen (N); Phosphate rocks, DAP, AP are rich source of Phosphorous (P); Potassium chloride is a rich source for potassium (K) after process suitable treatment. By granulating & blending all above sources after treatment we get a perfect blend of good fertilizer with all nutrients required for plant growth.
Major fertilizer process involves Ammonia synthesis & production, Urea synthesis for Nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonia is produce by volumetric ratio of Nitrogen from Air & Hydrogen from natural gas (CH4) (1:3). Ammonia(NH3) gas thus produce again with process at high temperature and pressure with carbon dioxide (CO2) is produce Urea. If Oxygen is processed with Nitric acid will product Liquid Ammonium Nitrate and UAN solutions when blending with urea.
LEOMI Insertion Thermal Mass flow meter will a great choice for Air Mass flow measurement for some of the fertilizer production process
- Primary Air (N2) & Natural Gas (CH4) mixture for production of anhydrous Ammonia
- Green house gas (GHG) emission process stack mass flow measurement & control for environmental regulation & safety
- Flue gas stack monitoring in captive thermal power plant
- Compressed air utility for pneumatic equipments and processes
- Wastewater plant aeration air mass flow measurement for DO control
LEOMI offer features to match your exact requirements
- Highly sensitive for compressed air leakage monitoring with wide turndown ratio
- Saves energy while monitoring with NO pressure drop
- Least affected by moisture in air or gases
- Online Sensor removal possible without interruption of process
LEOMI Insertion thermal mass flow meters features
- No moving parts, direct mass flow measurement independent of pressure and temperature
- Most suitable for leakage detection due high turn down ratio
- Measures accurately even in wet gas effectively
- Long life & rugged sensor insensitive to dust and dirt
- Special sensor HALAR® Or PFA Coated for highly corrosive gases
- Accurate measurement over entire temperature ranges upto 400°C applicable
- Versatile & Adjustable from various pipe dimensions
- Easy & cost effective installation even for large pipe sizes
LEOMI gas flow meters provide solutions for the cement and fertilizers industry. Our products have an excellent response time which assures the tester for cement and fertilizers applications and therefore optimizing the life of their processes. Our calorimetric air flow meters have a wide dynamic range that can be used in high-temperature ranges up to 400°C.
For your specific application of cement and fertilizers industry, explore our Gas wise application section.